السبت، 31 يناير 2015

Tools of the Scope process - PMP - ادارة المشاريع

  1. Tools of the  Scope process
  2. Validate Scope Process
    InputsTools & TechniquesOutputs
    Project management planInspectionAccepted Deliverables
    Requirements documentationChange requests
    Requirements traceability matrixProject document updates
    Validated deliverables

  3. Control Scope process involves monitoring the status of project and managing scope changes. The Inputs, Tools and Techniques and Outputs of Control Scope process are:
    Control Scope Process
    InputsTools & TechniquesOutputs
    Project management planVariance analysisWork performance measurements
    Requirements documentationChange requests
    Requirements traceability matrixProject management plan updates
    Organizational process assetsOrganizational process assets updates
    Work performance informationProject document updates

    1. المحتوى العلمي مقدم من

      Courses Coffee Training Center

      14 مصطفى النحاس – عمارة البنك الأهلي المتحد –
       بجوار شاورمة أبو مازن – مدينة نصر


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