السبت، 31 يناير 2015

Collect Requirements Process - PMP - ادارة المشاريع

Collect Requirements Process

  1. InputsTools & TechniquesOutputs
    Project charterInterviewsRequirements documentation
    Stakeholder registerFocus groupsRequirements management plan
    Facilitated workshopsRequirements traceability matrix
    Group creativity techniques
    Questionaires and surveys
    Group decision-making techniques
  2. The Define Scope process involves defining detailed description of the project and major deliverables. The Input, Tools and Techniques and Output of the Define Scope process are:
  3. Define Scope Process
  4. Create WBS Process
  5. Validate Scope Process
  6. Control Scope Process

  1. المحتوى العلمي مقدم من

    Courses Coffee Training Center

    14 مصطفى النحاس – عمارة البنك الأهلي المتحد –
     بجوار شاورمة أبو مازن – مدينة نصر


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