السبت، 31 يناير 2015

Tools of the Scope process - PMP - ادارة المشاريع

  1. Tools of the  Scope process
  2. Validate Scope Process
    InputsTools & TechniquesOutputs
    Project management planInspectionAccepted Deliverables
    Requirements documentationChange requests
    Requirements traceability matrixProject document updates
    Validated deliverables

  3. Control Scope process involves monitoring the status of project and managing scope changes. The Inputs, Tools and Techniques and Outputs of Control Scope process are:
    Control Scope Process
    InputsTools & TechniquesOutputs
    Project management planVariance analysisWork performance measurements
    Requirements documentationChange requests
    Requirements traceability matrixProject management plan updates
    Organizational process assetsOrganizational process assets updates
    Work performance informationProject document updates

    1. المحتوى العلمي مقدم من

      Courses Coffee Training Center

      14 مصطفى النحاس – عمارة البنك الأهلي المتحد –
       بجوار شاورمة أبو مازن – مدينة نصر


Define Scope process - PMP - ادارة المشاريع

  1. Tools and Techniques and  of the Define Scope process are:
  2. Define Scope Proces
    InputsTools & TechniquesOutputs
    Project charterExpert judgmentProject scope statement
    Requirements documentationProduct analysisProject document updates
    Organizational process assetsAlternative identification
    Facilitated workshops
  3. Create WBS is the process of dividing the project deliverables into smaller components. The Inputs, Tools and Techniques and Outputs of Create WBS process are:
  4. Create WBS Process
    InputsTools & TechniquesOutputs
    Project Scope StatementDecompositionWBS
    Requirements documentationWBS dictionary
    Organizational process assetsScope baseline
    Project document updates
  5. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is an important part of the exam. It is a graphical representation of the hierarchy of the project. The WBS template can be reused across projects. WBS forces the project team to think through all the levels of the project. If a task is not in the WBS, then it is not part of the project.
  6. 8/80 rule for WBS - No task should be less than 8 hours or more than 80 hours.
  7. WBS dictionary explains all the WBS components. Also WBS is input to most of the planning processes. Specifically WBS is input to the following processes -
    • Cost Estimating
    • Cost Budgeting
    • Scope control
    • Activity Definition
    • Plan Purchases and Acquisitions
  8. The Validate Scope is the process in which the project customer formally accepts the project deliverables. Scope Validation happens at the end of each phase. During the Validate Scope process customer gives feedback on work performed. While Validate Scope process focuses on customer acceptance, Perform Quality Control process focuses on correctness of work.
  9. The table below gives inputs, Tools & Techniques, and Outputs of the Validate Scope process.

    1. المحتوى العلمي مقدم من

      Courses Coffee Training Center

      14 مصطفى النحاس – عمارة البنك الأهلي المتحد –
       بجوار شاورمة أبو مازن – مدينة نصر


Collect Requirements Process - PMP - ادارة المشاريع

Collect Requirements Process

  1. InputsTools & TechniquesOutputs
    Project charterInterviewsRequirements documentation
    Stakeholder registerFocus groupsRequirements management plan
    Facilitated workshopsRequirements traceability matrix
    Group creativity techniques
    Questionaires and surveys
    Group decision-making techniques
  2. The Define Scope process involves defining detailed description of the project and major deliverables. The Input, Tools and Techniques and Output of the Define Scope process are:
  3. Define Scope Process
  4. Create WBS Process
  5. Validate Scope Process
  6. Control Scope Process

  1. المحتوى العلمي مقدم من

    Courses Coffee Training Center

    14 مصطفى النحاس – عمارة البنك الأهلي المتحد –
     بجوار شاورمة أبو مازن – مدينة نصر


Management by Objective (MBO) - PMP - ادارة المشاريع

Management by Objective (MBO)

  1. Management by Objective (MBO) is a management philosophy with three objectives -
    • Establish unambiguous and realistic objectives
    • Periodically Evaluate if objectives are being met
    • Take corrective actions.
    MBO works only if management supports it.
  2. Collect Requirements process involves documenting stakeholders needs to meet project objectives. The Inputs, Tools and Techniques, and Outputs of Collect Requirements process are given below. 

  3. المحتوى العلمي مقدم من

    Courses Coffee Training Center

    14 مصطفى النحاس – عمارة البنك الأهلي المتحد –
     بجوار شاورمة أبو مازن – مدينة نصر


Methods of selecting the optimal projects - PMP - ادارة المشاريع

Methods of selecting the optimal projects
  1. Constrained Optimization Project selection methods are used for large projects. These are techniques based on mathematical models. The Constrained Optimization techniques are -
    • Linear Programming
    • Non-Linear Programming
    • Integer Algorithm
    • Dynamic Programming
    • Multi-objective Programming
  2. Expected monetary value of a project (or expected value) is equal to probability impact. So if probability of a project's success is 20% and revenue earned if successful is $100000, then the net value of the project will be $20,000. A project with higher net value should be selected when performing project selection.

المحتوى العلمي مقدم من

Courses Coffee Training Center

14 مصطفى النحاس – عمارة البنك الأهلي المتحد –
 بجوار شاورمة أبو مازن – مدينة نصر


الجمعة، 30 يناير 2015

project selection Measurement - PMP - ادارة المشاريع

project selection Measurement
  1. Benefits Measurement project selection methods involve comparing the values of one project against another. There are the following type of Benefit Measurement project selection techniques -
    • Murder Boards - This involves a committee asking tough questions from each project
    • Scoring Models - Different projects are given scores based on certain defined criteria. Project with higher score is selected.
    • Benefits Cost Ratio - This technique involves computing benefits to cost ratio (BCR) for a project. Project with higher BCR is selected.
    • Payback period - This technique involves considering how long it takes back to "pay back" the cost of the project. Inflation or interest earned in not considered in this technique. A project with lower pay back period is better.
    • Discounted Cash Flow - This technique takes into account the interest earned on the money. The Future Value (FV) of projects is compared.
      PV is the present value of the project. A project with higher present value is better.
    • Internal Rate of Return (IRR) - A project that has higher IRR is better, as it is giving higher return on money.

المحتوى العلمي مقدم من

Courses Coffee Training Center

14 مصطفى النحاس – عمارة البنك الأهلي المتحد –
 بجوار شاورمة أبو مازن – مدينة نصر


Project Scope Management - PMP - ادارة المشاريع

Project Scope Management

  1. The knowledge area of Project Scope Management consists of the following processes -
    Scope Management Processes
    ProcessProject GroupKey Deliverables
    Plan Scope ManagementPlanning
    Collect RequirementsPlanningRequirements document
    Define Scopeplanningproject scope statement
    Create WBSplanningWBS, WBS dictionary
    Validate ScopeMonitoring and ControllingAcceptance deliverables
    Control ScopeMonitoring and ControllingChange Requests
  2. The knowledge area of Scope Management includes the processes required to ensure that the project includes all the work, and only all the work required to complete the project successfully. It is primarily concerned with controlling what is and what is not in the scope.
  3. Project Portfolio Management is the process of project selection. It involves making a decision about which project an organization should execute.

المحتوى العلمي مقدم من

Courses Coffee Training Center

14 مصطفى النحاس – عمارة البنك الأهلي المتحد –
 بجوار شاورمة أبو مازن – مدينة نصر


نصائح اثناء امتحان PMP - PMP - ادارة المشاريع

نصائح اثناء امتحان PMP

1-لا تنفعل إذا رأيت الأسئلة الأولى صعبة أو بعيدة عن ما في ذهنك, هذا أمر عادي جداً , تجاوزها واضغط على علامة Mark.
2-ابتسم وهدي أعصابك فأسوأ ما سيحصل هو أن تقدم الامتحان ثانيةً بنصف السعر.

3-  اعمل مسح سريع على الأجوبة وبحسب فهمك للسؤال ستستبعد على الأقل سؤالين تجزم أنهم خاطئين.
4-أبدأ بحل الأسئلة بشكل متسلسل, كأن تبدأ بحل الأسئلة القصيرة تلك التي بطول سطر واحد, 
وبعدها تنتقل الى الأسئلة الأطول, واترك الأسئلة الطويلة الى الأخير ولا تفكر بها.

5- ستواجه بعض الأسئلة تجد فيها تعقيداً أو تحتمل أكثر من إجابة… وعند التفكير بالإجابة افترض أن الوضع مثالي وغير قابل للتأويل.

6-  لو اخترت اللغة العربية كلغة مساعدة أثناء تقديم الامتحان لا تقرأ السؤال بالعربي إلا عند الضرورة القصوى لتجنب تكرار السؤال والتشتت.

7- اسرع في الاجابة عن الأسئلة المباشرة (مثل أسئلة العمليات) كي لا تستنزف وقتك.

8-  عند ورود سؤال أشكل عليك جوابه, فكر بمنطقية مطلقة, فستعرف الإجابة لو كان لك خبرة جيدة في ادارة المشاريع.

9-  اعرف معاني اختصار الكلمات, فمثلا في الامتحان لا يكتب لك WBS بل يكتب Work Breakdown Structure.

10-  حينما تجد في السؤال كلمة MOST Important فاعلم أن هنالك أكثر من إجابة صحيحة وتحتاج أن تفكر بأهم إجابة وهنا  يأتي أهمية الخبرة.

11-  ستجد أن العديد من الأسئلة فيها إسهاب بغرض تشتيت الذهن, فانتبه لذلك..

12-  اثناء استعراضك للأجوبة وشككت بأن هنالك جواباً قد يكون صحيحاً حدده وانتقل واقرأ جميع الإجابات ورشح الأفضل بعد ذلك.

13- الأسئلة التي تتكلم عن المسار الحرج وتسرد لك فترات الأنشطة بالأرقام يجب أن ترسمها على الورق قبل أن تفكر بالإجابة على السؤال.

14-  قد تواجه أسئلة تُشعرك أنك اقتربت كثيرا لدخول مستشفى المجانين بسبب وجود جميع الأجوبة الصحيحة وانت تحتار أيهما أصح! لذا عليك لبس قبعة المنطق والمثالية وتكرار قراءة السؤال.
وكقاعدة عامة… لو أشكل عليك إجابة أي سؤال حاول أن تفكر بشكل منطقي.

15-  ركز بأن تختار الإجابة الأكثر مثالياً وأخلاقية (Professional Responsibilities).

16- طبعا وقبل كل شيء, استعن بالله أولاً وأحسن النية وأكثر من الدعاء وتوكل على الله.

17- أعيد وأكرر لا تهدر وقتك أثناء الاختبار وحاول الاستفادة من كل ثانية.

المحتوى العلمي مقدم من

Courses Coffee Training Center

14 مصطفى النحاس – عمارة البنك الأهلي المتحد –
 بجوار شاورمة أبو مازن – مدينة نصر


شروط دخول امتحان PMP - PMP - ادارة مشاريع

شروط دخول امتحان PMP

أولاً: قبل أن تبدأ بدراسة الامتحان عليك ان تعلم الآتي:
  • الامتحان ليس عملية اختبار عن محتويات الكتاب الرسمي  PMBOK فقط!
  • اعتمادك على خبرتك الحقيقة في إدارة المشاريع وحدها لا تكفي بل يجب صقلها بمنهجية معهد إدارة المشاريع PMI .
  • عملية أخذ دورة تدريبية لدى مدرب معتمد هو أمر ضروري للغاية وهو من متطلبات قبولك لتقديم الاختبار.
ثانياً: عند البدء بالدراسة:
1- ضع خطة محددة لطريقة الدراسة وألزم نفسك بتحديد موعد للامتحان.
قمت بإعداد مسودة لجدول زمني يساعدك في دراسة المنهج كاملاً بشكل مريح وقسمت فترات الدراسة بحسب العمليات, تم توزيع المدة بناء على احتمالية الأسئلة التي ستأتي في الامتحان والتي هي بحسب الـ PMI : 

Initiation 11%
Planning 23%
Executing 27%
Monitoring & Controlling 21%
Closing 18%

وأيضاً أخذت بالاعتبار أثناء توزيع الأوقات درجة صعوبة كل موضوع (knowledge Area ) .

المحتوى العلمي مقدم من

Courses Coffee Training Center

14 مصطفى النحاس – عمارة البنك الأهلي المتحد –
 بجوار شاورمة أبو مازن – مدينة نصر


السبت، 24 يناير 2015

risk management process - PMP- ادارة المشاريع


A more disciplined process involves using checklists of potential risks and evaluating the likelihood that those events might happen on the project. Some companies and industries develop risk checklists based on experience from past projects. These checklists can be helpful to the project manager and project team in identifying both specific risks on the checklist and expanding the thinking of the team. The past experience of the project team, project experience within the company, and experts in the industry can be valuable resources for identifying potential risk on a project.
Identifying the sources of risk by category is another method for exploring potential risk on a project. Some examples of categories for potential risks include the following:
  • Technical
  • Cost
  • Schedule
  • Client
  • Contractual
  • Weather
  • Financial
  • Political
  • Environmental
  • People
The people category can be subdivided into risks associated with the people. Examples of people risks include the risk of not finding the skills needed to execute the project or the sudden unavailability of key people on the project. David Hillson[1] uses the same framework as the work breakdown structure (WBS) for developing a risk breakdown structure (RBS). A risk breakdown structure organizes the risks that have been identified into categories using a table with increasing levels of detail to the right.

المحتوى العلمي مقدم من

Courses Coffee Training Center

14 مصطفى النحاس – عمارة البنك الأهلي المتحد
 بجوار شاورمة أبو مازن – مدينة نصر


Composite Risk Index - PMP - ادارة المشاريع

Composite Risk Index

The above formula can also be re-written in terms of a Composite Risk Index, as follows:
Composite Risk Index = Impact of Risk event x Probability of Occurrence
The impact of the risk event is commonly assessed on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 and 5 represent the minimum and maximum possible impact of an occurrence of a risk (usually in terms of financial losses). However, the 1 to 5 scale can be arbitrary and need not be on a linear scale.
The probability of occurrence is likewise commonly assessed on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 represents a very low probability of the risk event actually occurring while 5 represents a very high probability of occurrence. This axis may be expressed in either mathematical terms (event occurs once a year, once in ten years, once in 100 years etc.) or may be expressed in "plain English" (event has occurred here very often; event has been known to occur here; event has been known to occur in the industry etc.). Again, the 1 to 5 scale can be arbitrary or non-linear depending on decisions by subject-matter experts.
The Composite Index thus can take values ranging (typically) from 1 through 25, and this range is usually arbitrarily divided into three sub-ranges. The overall risk assessment is then Low, Medium or High, depending on the sub-range containing the calculated value of the Composite Index. For instance, the three sub-ranges could be defined as 1 to 8, 9 to 16 and 17 to 25.
Note that the probability of risk occurrence is difficult to estimate, since the past data on frequencies are not readily available, as mentioned above. After all, probability does not imply certainty.
Likewise, the impact of the risk is not easy to estimate since it is often difficult to estimate the potential loss in the event of risk occurrence.
Further, both the above factors can change in magnitude depending on the adequacy of risk avoidance and prevention measures taken and due to changes in the external business environment. Hence it is absolutely necessary to periodically re-assess risks and intensify/relax mitigation measures, or as necessary. Changes in procedures, technology, schedules, budgets, market conditions, political environment, or other factors typically require re-assessment of risks.

المحتوى العلمي مقدم من

Courses Coffee Training Center

14 مصطفى النحاس – عمارة البنك الأهلي المتحد
  بجوار شاورمة أبو مازن – مدينة نصر


الجمعة، 23 يناير 2015

how to use brain storming ? ادارة المشاريع PMP

How to Use the Tool

You often get the best results by combining individual and group brainstorming, and by managing the process according to the "rules" below. By doing this, you can get people to focus on the issue without interruption, you maximize the number of ideas that you can generate, and you get that great feeling of team bonding that comes with a well-run brainstorming session!
To run a group brainstorming session effectively, follow these steps.

Step 1: Prepare the Group

First, set up a comfortable meeting environment for the session. Make sure that the room is well-lit and that you have the tools, resources, and refreshments that you need.
How much information or preparation does your team need in order to brainstorm solutions to your problem? Remember that prep is important, but too much can limit – or even destroy – the freewheeling nature of a brainstorming session.
Consider who will attend the meeting. A room full of like-minded people won't generate as many creative ideas as a diverse group, so try to include people from a wide range of disciplines, and include people who have a variety of different thinking styles.
When everyone is gathered, appoint one person to record the ideas that come from the session. This person shouldn't necessarily be the team manager – it's hard to record and contribute at the same time. Post notes where everyone can see them, such as on flip charts or whiteboards; or use a computer with a data projector.
If people aren't used to working together, consider using an appropriate warm-up exercise, or an icebreaker 

Step 2: Present the Problem

Clearly define the problem that you want to solve, and lay out any criteria that you must meet. Make it clear that that the meeting's objective is to generate as many ideas as possible.
Give people plenty of quiet time at the start of the session to write down as many of their own ideas as they can. Then, ask them to share their ideas, while giving everyone a fair opportunity to contribute.

Step 3: Guide the Discussion

Once everyone has shared their ideas, start a group discussion to develop other people's ideas, and use them to create new ideas. Building on others' ideas is one of the most valuable aspects of group brainstorming.
Encourage everyone to contribute and to develop ideas, including the quietest people, and discourage anyone from criticizing ideas.
As the group facilitator, you should share ideas if you have them, but spend your time and energy supporting your team and guiding the discussion. Stick to one conversation at a time, and refocus the group if people become sidetracked.
Although you're guiding the discussion, remember to let everyone have fun while brainstorming. Welcome creativity, and encourage your team to come up with as many ideas as possible, regardless of whether they're practical or impractical. Use thought experiments such as Provocation or Random Input to generate some unexpected ideas.
Don't follow one train of thought for too long. Make sure that you generate a good number of different ideas, and explore individual ideas in detail. If a team member needs to "tune out" to explore an idea alone, allow them the freedom to do this.
Also, if the brainstorming session is lengthy, take plenty of breaks so that people can continue to concentrate.

المحتوى العلمي مقدم من

Courses Coffee Training Center

14 مصطفى النحاس – عمارة البنك الأهلي المتحد
 بجوار شاورمة أبو مازن – مدينة نصر
